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Demo Taylor and Francis template
This document is only a demo explaining how to use the template.
template, demo
1 Introduction
This is an example of how to use this template to render journal articles. This template is inspired by the Taylor and Francis rticles template for rmarkdown, repurposed for the Quarto publishing system.
This quarto extension format supports PDF and HTML outputs. This template is primarily focused on generating acceptable \(\LaTeX\) outputs from Quarto, but renders an acceptable HTML output using the standard Quarto options.
2 Quarto
Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see https://quarto.org.
3 Running Code
When you click the Render button a document will be generated that includes both content and the output of embedded code. You can embed code like this:
This format hide chunks by default, but you can set echo
option to true
locally in the chunk:
# install.packages("broom")
# install.packages("kableExtra")
data("quine", package = "MASS")
<- glm(Days ~ (Eth + Sex + Age + Lrn)^2, data = quine, family = poisson)
m_pois ::kable_styling(
kableExtra )
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | 2.9324591 | 0.0982638 | 29.8427305 | 0.0000000 |
EthN | -0.1739938 | 0.1213351 | -1.4339937 | 0.1515741 |
SexM | -0.7145197 | 0.1222943 | -5.8426235 | 0.0000000 |
AgeF1 | -0.0426993 | 0.1269111 | -0.3364507 | 0.7365310 |
AgeF2 | -0.0863239 | 0.1616403 | -0.5340495 | 0.5933073 |
AgeF3 | -0.1528978 | 0.1189753 | -1.2851227 | 0.1987494 |
LrnSL | 0.2160818 | 0.1455811 | 1.4842716 | 0.1377369 |
EthN:SexM | 0.4390243 | 0.0920790 | 4.7679077 | 0.0000019 |
EthN:AgeF1 | -0.9288934 | 0.1465738 | -6.3373786 | 0.0000000 |
EthN:AgeF2 | -1.3339773 | 0.1350383 | -9.8785113 | 0.0000000 |
EthN:AgeF3 | -0.1124246 | 0.1347842 | -0.8341080 | 0.4042202 |
EthN:LrnSL | 0.2641524 | 0.1137843 | 2.3215200 | 0.0202588 |
SexM:AgeF1 | -0.0556536 | 0.1630311 | -0.3413682 | 0.7328264 |
SexM:AgeF2 | 1.0994244 | 0.1528125 | 7.1945973 | 0.0000000 |
SexM:AgeF3 | 1.1594892 | 0.1385899 | 8.3663319 | 0.0000000 |
SexM:LrnSL | 0.0414270 | 0.1371756 | 0.3019998 | 0.7626522 |
AgeF1:LrnSL | -0.1301879 | 0.1568800 | -0.8298561 | 0.4066201 |
AgeF2:LrnSL | 0.3734020 | 0.1456293 | 2.5640585 | 0.0103456 |
AgeF3:LrnSL | NA | NA | NA | NA |
4 Markdown Basics
This section of the template is adapted from Quarto’s documentation on Markdown basics.
4.1 Text Formatting
Markdown Syntax | Output |
italics and bold |
superscript2 / subscript2 |
verbatim code |
4.2 Headings
Markdown Syntax | Output |
5 Header 1 |
5.1 Header 2 |
5.1.1 Header 3 |
5.2 Equations
Use $
delimiters for inline math and $$
delimiters for display math. For example:
Markdown Syntax | Output |
inline math: \(E=mc^{2}\) |
display math: \[E = mc^{2}\] |
If assigned an ID, display math equations will be automatically numbered:
\[ \frac{\partial \mathrm C}{ \partial \mathrm t } + \frac{1}{2}\sigma^{2} \mathrm S^{2} \frac{\partial^{2} \mathrm C}{\partial \mathrm C^2} + \mathrm r \mathrm S \frac{\partial \mathrm C}{\partial \mathrm S}\ = \mathrm r \mathrm C \tag{1}\]
5.3 Other Blocks
Markdown Syntax | Output |
Line Block Spaces and newlines are preserved |
5.4 Cross-references

Markdown Format | Output |
Figure 1 is pretty. |
Table 1 was created from code. |
Section 5.4 is this section. |
Equation 1 is above. |
6 Citations
This section of the template is adapted from the Quarto citation documentation.
Quarto supports bibliography files in a wide variety of formats including BibTeX and CSL. Add a bibliography to your document using the bibliography
YAML metadata field. For example:
title: "My Document"
bibliography: references.bib
See the Pandoc Citations documentation for additional information on bibliography formats.
7 Citations
This section of the template is adapted from the Quarto citation documentation.
Quarto supports bibliography files in a wide variety of formats including BibTeX and CSL. Add a bibliography to your document using the bibliography
YAML metadata field. For example:
title: "My Document"
bibliography: references.bib
See the Pandoc Citations documentation for additional information on bibliography formats.
7.1 Citation Syntax
Quarto uses the standard Pandoc markdown representation for citations. Here are some examples:
Markdown Format | Output |
Blah Blah (see Knuth 1984, 33–35; also Wickham 2015, chap. 1) |
Blah Blah (Knuth 1984, 33–35, 38–39 and passim) |
Blah Blah (Wickham 2015; Knuth 1984). |
Wickham says blah (2015) |
You can also write in-text citations, as follows:
Markdown Format | Output |
Knuth (1984) says blah. |
Knuth (1984, 33) says blah. |
See the Pandoc Citations documentation for additional information on citation syntax.
To provide a custom citation stylesheet, provide a path to a CSL file using the csl
metadata field in your document, for example:
title: "My Document"
bibliography: references.bib
csl: nature.csl